Questions about grooming and doggie psychology?

Hi, Here is the newest blog site to one of the best grooming facilities and grooming schools in the country.

I am the owner, DuAnn Chambers, and also the primary grooming instructor for the Pet Grooming Academy. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. I moved to northern Idaho (Priest River area) in 1994 and did not feel that I could support myself in this rural area with a psychology degree. So, I went back to school and received my grooming diploma in 1997 and have been grooming ever since.

I am childfree by choice and I live with my husband (whom I adore) and my 3 dogs, Mini Schnauzer, Annie-12, Monte-std pdle - 3, and Marli- Rott. cross-6.

My 4-legged dogs come to work with me and it’s a wonderful way to spend my days and make a living. I get to use both of my degrees every day in the grooming shop and I work with talented and fun dog-loving people. I now own 2 shops, and employ 6-8 groomers and bathers.

I start one student at a time, and have graduated dozens of students that have gone on to become hugely successful groomers and business owners. I love being a groomer! And I love being a teacher!

I have started this blog so that I can assist groomers with grooming questions, and dog-owners with dog psychology questions. In my 11 years of owning 2 shops and grooming thousands of dogs, I have come to notice a LOT of really cool things that co-exist for dog and owner.

Please help me to start my blog by sending me your questions regarding your dogs. Thanks a bunch for visiting my site, and I hope to be a service to you!

DuAnn Chambers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dry or sensitive skin in dogs

Lots of customers have been having issues with itchy skin with their 4-legged dogs.  'Why, why, why?' they ask me.  Their are many reasons for dry skin, but when a great many more dogs are experiencing dry skin in the grooming shop, generally, it is the season, or season change, that causes this.  Here are the top 5 reasons that your dog may have dry or itchy skin:
1. The outside temperature is low, usually below 40 degrees.  The low temperatures create static in the air, which encourages itchy skin and/or dandruff.
2. You have an inside dog and you heat with wood or radiant floors.
3. Your dog has been playing in the snow often
4. You have recently bathed your dog. (Typically owners use the wrong shampoo for their dog's breed or they do not rinse the dog well enough).
5. You have a short-haired dog.

The majority of our customers that complain that they have itching dogs have or are experiencing one or more of the conditions above.  For this customer, we always bathe their dog in emu oil  shampoo and finish with a moisturizing emu spray.  We have many customers that request the emu treatment for their dog weekly.  You can use these professional products at home singularly or paired depending on the severity of the dog's itching. You can purchase the emu oil shampoo or emu oil moisture spray in either shop, or online at  You can also find emu oil pills that are available at any health food store.  If you have a dog with sensitive skin and itchy issues, try the cheapest, natural remedy first, EMU OIL.  Why does it work?  I do NOT know, I just know it works.

DuAnn Lustig-Chambers
Happy Pooch Tribune
Professional Tips to Pamper Your Pet

1 comment:

Lover of Dogs and all things Natural said...

Good information! I also have found dry skin to be due to a lack in specific nutrients (all the good stuff is cooked out of pet food-even the best pet food!) I have found that omega fatty acids and zinc deficiencies are huge in dogs. After years of going to the vet, I took matters into my own hands and found a great addition to my dog's diet that had all that stuff that is cooked out. So now we use Dinovite year round and it's been a god-send for my dog. NO MORE BIG VET BILLS! And, on top of all the itching stopping, he now sheds only one time during the year too! So, no more vacuuming every day! Only wish I knew this when we were cat owners!